miercuri, 20 iulie 2022

‘Site Unseen’ explores viewing and documenting architecture through photography

‘Site Unseen’ is an exhibition that questions the way we view architecture. What if, instead of photographing architecture as an object, we look at it as a subject, asks Tom Ross, a photographer himself, who curated the new exhibition that’s currently open at the Center of Contemporary Photography (CCP) in Melbourne. Part of the city’s Open House Melbourne programme (30-31 July 2022), the show brings together the work of a mix of global architectural photographers who together explore different ways of viewing, experiencing and documenting architecture through the photographic lens.  The pieces on display are extremely varied, created by artists including Rory Gardiner, John Gollings, Coco and Maximilian, Erieta Attali, Annika Kafcaloudis, Mengzhu Jiang, Veeral Patel, Gavin Green, Morgan Hickinbotham, Brooke Holm, Ben Hosking, Pier Carthew, Shannon McGrath, Tom Ross, Ying Ang, and Rohan Hutchinson. ‘In a time when architecture representation is being narrowed to imagery of persuasion, this exhibition serves as a reminder of the sincere exchange between people and the built environment,’ says Ross.  ‘Site Unseen’ at CCP Melbourne Installation view of ‘Site Unseen’. Photography: Tom Ross Bringing together diversity in treatments, topics, a range of emotions, as well as work methods, the exhibition fascinates in its richness and unexpected views of our built environment, exploring familiar buildings (such as the Australian Islamic Center of Newport by Glenn Murcutt & Elevli Plus) in a new light. At the same time, seemingly anonymous corners of our urban realm come to life and are celebrated, put centre stage through the gaze of photographers.  ‘Experienced largely on a subconscious level, architecture can contribute to moments of harmony and moments of friction in our every day. This exhibition calls for a moment of pause, to examine the built environment and our interaction with it through the lens’ of this incredibly talented cohort of photographers,’ says the newly appointed director of CCP, Daniel Boetker-Smith. ‘Site Unseen’ will be on until the end of July, across all four galleries at Melbourne’s CCP. All works are available to purchase. §

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